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So here is what this art says to me: Life or something relatively close to it just happens, amidst all the chaos and the joy, there is you, your life and your choices. Choices that in the end leave you either in the dust, or trampling on the dust. Funny how art imitates life and of course life in turn imitates life.

As mentioned before I know very little about art and even less about artists but what I have learnt is that they are usually brilliant, more than most, and that they are also very protective of their work, what it says and most importantly, what it means. In most cases, the artist’s main objective is to make you see their vision. In some cases it’s to let you see just beyond the surface, something that can be incredibly easy once you’ve done it.  But if this beyond is somewhere you’ve never been, it can be a trying task.

All it takes in most cases is a simple connection to life, at least that’s what works for me. This collection is empowering, as art tends to be when done right, it creates an array of emotions, it’s creepy and edgy and enlighting all at once. Unique combinations and reactions are formed and that’s what makes it beyond beautiful and sometimes beyond words.

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