Charles Grogg : next page
Fence, pt/pd on gampi, brown cotton thread, sewn, 11x14"

I can't tell any longer how I got into photography. The stories I used to tell about how I THOUGHT I became a photographer don't quite ring true  to me, and the question sometimes seems on par with asking how I became a man:

I started out young and grew into it, I want to answer.

Obviously in the process of making photographs I long for something that is not yet complete, that I would like to consummate for myself a different way each time I approach it, and photographs, with their borders that cut things off and parcel the world into squares and rectangles, mid-stride, mid-action, seem on their way to completing a thought only a viewer can help complete.

The same is true of all visual arts I think, but not with the same pressure on our sense of what is real that photography puts on us.

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