Alex Falcao : next page
I am working lately for many magazines, but mostly to promote my work and many of them are not paid at all. But beside that, I work with model agencies, private portraits and sell prints in exhibitions. Sometimes I get some commercial work too, just to make the cash flow, but this is not my first choice.

I am working in a very dear and personal project called "Crazy to Help". It's my personal collaboration to the Annie Lennox campaign SING, which educates and helps mothers and children in Africa affected by HIV virus. It's totally volunteer work and it consists in simple and funny portraits of actors, singers, public people who are willing to offer their images to the project. I did the photos in Brazil already, but now I will move on to England, France, Portugal, Spain and Italy to make some portraits and make this project more visible worldwide.

My dream to make a portrait of Tilda Swinton. Why? She is amazing, that's why...

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