Danny Santos : next page
I walk in the streets and look for a face that has character... one where you wouldn't mind staring at for a while... one that will make you want to know more about that person. When I see a person with that face, I approach them and ask for a quick portrait. I try to be very honest about the whole thing so that the subject will feel comfortable about it. If they say yes, I ask them to "look at the camera and don't smile." Then I take a few shots, and say "thank you." Everything happens within 30 seconds. I try to make it quick to avoid making the subject feel awkward and uncomfortable, otherwise that might show up in the portrait.

This series of portraits is a personal project. I wanted to create a collection of portraits and when I get a good solid set, I'll maybe publish a book through online self-publishing on blurb. I can still remember the moments that I shot each stranger, and I plan to write about each of the photos in the book.

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