Igor Kruter : next page
After I find my models, I tell them which emotion or property I want for the photo. I give them the time and freedom to translate it to their own inner emotions. I ask that my models surrender themselves to their emotions. In The Ark you could call it a non-emotion, total rest. As if you are standing in an abandoned landscape.

Maybe our unique reaction to the timeless problems is the stress of a fast, busy life. Society is becoming faster, busier, and more detached. We are bombarded daily with information and impressions via the Internet, radio, written media and television. 

I imagine that in previous eras there was more stress about whether we would have food for the evening meal, or if we would heal from an injury or illness.

It changes with time and place but themes like daily stress will always play a role in human life.

This work does not communicate stress. I used people who were in a stressed state mind to express my idea of stopping that stress (suffering) for a short moment. A neutral moment without the thoughts and difficulties of daily life.

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