But back to the idea. Some photographers photograph their life and environment. Helmut Newton's pictures were reference to his past in Germany, the decadence of the thirties given the Monaco money tweak, and his preference for big women. Terry Richardson is the 'new' Newton but there's no moneyed decadence in Richardson's pictures. Instead we have the modern equivalent of sexual freedom with large references to his upbringing, which makes for harrowing reading if you ever look it up.

Then there's lifestyle with all its references (at least for high end fashion) to cinematic ambiguity. Check out the work of Larry Sultan and Philip Lorca Di Corcia.

Finally the romantic, painterly, style, of Sarah Moon, Deborah Turbeville, Dominique Isserman and Paolo Roversi.

And of course every permutation of the above that you can think of.

Obviously lots to choose from, you have to make your own decisions. But there's a strong suggestion not to continue copying  magazine pages if you want to take your pictures to a higher and different level. Every notable shooter has his own idea, angle, and signature. It never comes from simply copying magazine pages and styles, simply because the photographer often doesnt know the idea he's trying to copy even though he likes the 'style'.
The Idea may be well understood by the photographer but is it embraceable by the non-sophisticated viewer?

There's no need to explain what the idea is; when the viewer embraces it they will supply their own meanings in accord with their present life and desires. Good fashion photograph ideas are in accord with the viewer's present life, ideas and aspirations. This is what critic Johnathan Jones does in talking about Meisel's Versace series mentioned below.

He was the beholder, he contributed his share.

No matter how good we become, we go nowhere unless we can attract the right interest of the people that matter, either in our own area or better markets. The better the market, the better the idea has to be. There are hundreds of photographers who can copy picture styles if needs be.

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