Bagios is fully aware of the commercial aspects of fashion photography and he pushes himself into it.  “But with a twist, always with a twist” he says.

“Be it some form of storytelling, be it some sick form of humour, a mystery thriller that unfolds before my eyes, or a vibrating, dark sensuality that hopefully can be seen in my photographs one day. I have so many ideas, but not (yet) the skills to materialize them, and, even worse, I still didn't have this "breakthrough to the other side", meaning that I'm still too brain-led where my belly should lead, or, better yet, some organ further south.  So what I did up until now is not even remotely that what I want (and hopefully will) achieve at some point. But then, is there anything in the world of (sexy) fashion photography that has not been done by Helmut Newton before? Or by Guy Bourdin?”

Fashion photography is Bagios’ passion. He says when he grows up  he will become a professional fashion photographer….

See more of Jaques Bagios’ work here

Into the Night