Eldad Carin : next page
Nowadays you can say my areas of specialization are commercial, fashion, beauty and portrait photography. But I am very much driven by my passion for photography, and inspired by this drive to interpret my own private microcosm as well as my surrounding culture by framing it into expressive imagery. This brings me to document occurrences of varying nature and experience a vast range of genres and formats. From the conceptual abstract to the pinpoint accuracy of a product packshot, from vast naturally lit landscapes to a fine art still life close up, from grungy and gritty urbanity to carefully styled beauty fashion story. As you can understand, I have an extremely varied portfolio

I am interested in pretty much everything, as tacky as it may come off. Fashion photography for me is as close as it gets to making a movie. There is lots atmosphere, emotions, character, and love for the world embedded in it.

As tacky and general as it may come off, to get my inspiration - I live.

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