Aiden Morse : next page
I started off taking photos of flowers and mountains, but I think I grew out of that quite quickly. I suppose I’ve always been torn between the constructed and unstaged photograph. I often alternate between the two depending how I’m feeling, but I think that keeps things fresh.

Books inspire me. Books full of pictures, but books full of stories too. I have a big book of Edward Hopper paintings and that’s one of my faves. Music as well—Nick Cave’s lyrics are spectacular and always inspiring.

The internet helps too — not just blogs and stuff either, but the idea of the internet as a thing — is something I find interesting. I don’t watch many films, but I love stuff like E.T. and Close Encounters, stuff with beautiful lighting and a palpable sense of wonder.

I suppose I keep things interesting by alternating between constructed and ‘straight’ photography and by having a short attention span. The same project never seems to keep my interest for too long.

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