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These pictures mean everything and nothing to me.  I mean, at the end of the day these are just pictures, but the people in the pictures mean everything to me. I take every photo for a reason. Some reasons better then others, but nonetheless I'm conscious of when I press click cause I'm trying to capture moments that I don't ever want to forget. I'm super sentimental so if I'm looking at some old photos of an exgirlfriend or a man with a prosthetic arm who gave me a hug the day after Michael Jackson died, or a girl I have a crush on in Texas and like 'always be my baby' comes on the radio, I'll just cry my fucking eyes out. But like I said in the beginning, they're just pictures. So yeah, everything and nothing.

Lots of my photos are just friends and family, and I found some girls on myspace (hahaha), but by this point people are asking me to take photos of them, so now I'm meeting a lot of strangers which I really love.

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