Lucy Pan : next page

What are your goals for the future? 

Well...for some reason when I imagine myself as an adult, I always imagined myself with a British accent. So I hope to be working for money before age 18 and maybe go to a photography school in London or New York City. When I'm older I would really love to shoot for Vogue, Harper's Bazaar, Marie Claire, Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition, Seventeen and i-D. Even MORE far off into the future, like when I'm in my 50's and super rich, it would really make my heart happy if I started a modeling agency. I just love the fashion industry. My number one career choice is fashion photographer, but if I was anything else in fashion, like an editor or a runway coach, I'd be super duper happy with that too.

Do you use a photography team when you shoot?

Yes I do and we're all pretty young. I find everyone that works with me at my junior high so we're all 13-15 years old, but we do a pretty okay job for junior high kids. I've always believed that fashion photography was a team sport. It doesn't feel right without other people working with me. We didn't have a makeup artist this time, but other times we do. It just always depends on what kind of shoot it is. Sometimes we have 3 assistants and sometimes we have none.

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