Cathleen Naundorf : next page

Cuissardes pega noir/blanc,gants mousquetaire cuir noir oeillet nikel. Jupe froncée a quilles pegare noir / noir.

(Black and white leggings, black leather musketeer gloves with nickel eyelets. Pleated black bowling skirt.)

I have good clients and magazines, but mostly my photographs get bought by collectors in Europe and the USA or get sold in auction houses. Some collectors exhibit these. An example is Lola Garida Armendariz in Madrid

Sometimes people see my photographs somewhere and they ask me to photograph their catalogues because they like that special style. Gaultier asked me once if he could get a photograph he saw somewhere.

I think my clients like beauty but with a soul, a photograph with an artistic background, and a human base. My photos are, in fact, not very "fashion". They are not in and out.

Irving Penn, Horst P. Horst and Guy Bourdin are very strong photographers and I like their work a lot. It's about light and form, there is a story behind the illusion and fantasy in their fashion or still life. Then I like the stories of the photojournalist photographers with a very strong human vision like Robert Frank, Josef Koudelka and of course James Nachtwey. It's work made under hard circumstances, with a clear message, showing the other part of life, the reality.

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