If you're just starting out, follow your passion right from the start. Don’t compromise at all. When I turned 40, I coined a little phrase for myself that meant a lot to me; Martin, “own your freakness!” What that phrase means to me is own whatever is the thing, subject, place, etc. that really turns you on. Don’t hold back. You will need that kind of creative “energy cell” to fuel a lifelong body of work, so don’t place limitations on yourself.

The way that that phrase has helped me is that I’m now focusing on 2 new projects that I’m intensely passionate about. One is about the Human Pelvis and why I feel it’s the most fascinating and controversial bone in the human body and the other is an exploration into a controversial 19th century historical figure, and will be quite a point of departure from my pervious projects. Both projects, and certainly the later, involve much more risk taking on my behalf than ever before. I’m owning my freakness.

The Batton
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