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Judy Halparin, the makeup and hair stylist, is a highly trained and highly experienced artist who was an instructor and later the director of makeup and beauty at a prominent school of Fine Arts. Judy is a true artist and her speed is a sight to see. 

The fashion stylist, Claudia Da Ponte, is worth her weight in diamonds. She is absolutely an expert in getting the right outfits to match the mood of the shoot. She has many contacts and can get her hands on almost anything she wishes. She is a marvel to work with.

Of course I could not have done any of this without my trusty assistant, Dan.  Assistants are the unsung heroes of shoots; on location they are invaluable.  Dan helped me move 16 boxes/bags of gear into a hotel room as well as set up lighting, set up the computer and downloaded the cards, made sure everyone was fed, and finally helped clean up and take the gear back to the studio and set it all up again.

How could I go wrong when I had such talent working with me?

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