Alexandra Gibson :
Disappear and Preserve

My approach to my art work is to create a space where people can feel comfortable to expose themselves in a situation that I often create.

For the most part I am not very technical.  I often shoot with a camera and a flash – nothing more.  You either know how to take a photograph or you don’t.

I shoot alone for most shoots.  I like wandering the night or having the intimacy of shooting a person or couple.  However, there have been many photographs/series that wouldn’t exist without the collaboration with others.  Sets have been built at exhibitions for live photo shoots with friends showing up as models, stop motion films, and the current series of nudes in the slaughterhouse all wouldn’t exist without the input of others in a creative or practical way.

I am comfortable showing up with not too much of an idea of what the photographic result should be but rather holding a great marvel for what it will be.  I like to show up in real life situations and create in them.  Mixing realism with fine art. 

Diane Arbus is probably my photography hero for her dedication to the strange. I have recently discovered Ellen Von Unwerth and  Robert & Shana ParkeHarrison and I am taking much enjoyment in their books.

I think that I have always been interested in what others might find natural/easier to ignore or not be able to see/comprehend.  In that respect - that interest has remained the same.  But my subjects seem to change with time.

Inspiration is rare these days but potent when it arises. Typically it is in the form of a muse.

My current fascinations are still

A. Death and the human relationship to it. 

B. Being able to capture spirit, the sensual, and the beauty in darkness.

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