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You may be wondering what I am trying to say. Well, let’s look at this way, maybe you are a student. Your eyes are still bright with the potential you have found through the lens. You are looking at this web site in search of someone who speaks your language. Someone who has created something that touches you deeply, something that is close to what you own.

This is a great and significant gesture you are making and you should not take it for granted. Your inquisitiveness is of vital importance, it is helping you to build your own unique understanding. It is what will lead you to what you are meant to discover and allow you the possibility of seeing what only you can create.

For this, your truth is essential. Not the one you were taught or the one you borrowed out of fear, but the one that speaks directly to who you are. By the way, this is not an easy thing to do. Just remember not to confuse yourself with others, not to make art that looks like art. What you already posses is far more important than that.

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