Asli Kolcu : next page
I always use a team regardless of what it is for. I didn't used to because I didn't have that oppurtunity in Turkey. However as the shoots got bigger it got way too much for me to handle on my own. When I am getting ready for a shoot I first dig into my big scrapbook of ideas and get inspired. My second step is just imagining it and finalising the idea. Than I look for team members. I have regular ones I work with and adore but they aren't always available. I set a date than start building my million props most of the time.

My photographic heroes would be Eugenio Recuenco, Baldovino Barani and Tim Walker. My inspiration is from everything. Life itself and my memories are enough. I do sometimes get it from other artists of course and if it is a conscious inspiration I always credit them or ask for permission to play on the concept. However most of the time the visual just appears in my head. Sometimes it is just a feeling I want to capture.

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